Ocehan-ocehan saya :)

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Saturday afternoon at Momo Cafe

It’s 5PM. Now I’m at Momo café near erwai… Bob and Fik are going to supermarket to buy some stuffs and I’m alone here… right under a cold air conditioner, besides two laptops and a jug of green tea. I am kind of sleepy and hungry. My body clock is so messed up lately, because these days I sleep at 2 o clock AM – the earliest.

I am leaving Beijing in 8 days time. I am excited to go home, obviously, but I am also anxious: is this gonna be my second last time to go home for holiday? Next year this time, what am I gonna do? Busy maintaining my thousands of yuan of deposit? Or circling recruitment ads on newspaper? Or probably already back in Indonesia, not feeling so anxious because my parents still can give me food to eat?

I have plans. I just don’t know if it’s gonna work or not. Maybe I don’t see the point of making plans anymore because in the end it’s gonna be changed in last minutes. It depends on the opportunity and my LUCK that time. I know I should take it easy but I just can’t. I have to prepare for my umbrella before the rain comes. Even though it’s gonna be sunny at the end. I still have to have my umbrella.

I just watched a movie called “Eternal sunshine of a spotless mind”. Actually I bought the DVD for my friend Lea. (I hope she won’t mind if I watch it first). Before I put the DVDs on my luggage, I found out that it was a Jim Carrey movie. And lots of other big stars like Kate Winslet, Elijah Wood, and Kirsten Dunst. And then I watched it, and WOW. Jim Carrey’s movies are brilliant, man. Sometimes it is so weird and kind of unreal like the Truman Show and Yes Man. But oh man, it has deep emotional and psychological message.

Now every time I watch/see/hear love story like that, I immediately think of mine. At the beginning of the movie, I thought that it was a good idea to erase someone that once hurt you from your mind FOREVER. But then I saw the process (of course in the real life it would never happen), and oh my, it is so painful. It is not worth it! Now I don’t know if I wanna do the moment erasing anymore or not. :D

Now Taufik hasn’t returned yet… and I dunno what to do. (Actually if he’s returned I dunno what I’m gonna do with him either… haha maybe we would just stare at our own computers and not talking to each other for hours.)

I think I’m gonna search about Jim Carrey on IMDB and download more of his brilliant movies.